Aims and Scope

The Arusha Working Papers in African Linguistics (AWPAL)1 is a peer-reviewed, open-access2, online-only3 international academic journal whose goal is to provide a forum for discussions about applied and theoretical issues in African linguistics. AWPAL welcomes original contributions on all aspects of African languages and linguistics, in particular those that are data-oriented and descriptive or pedagogical in nature. Nonetheless, manuscripts are accepted across all domains of linguistics on a rolling basis for consideration in our annual volume. Finally, we especially encourage and welcome contributions from graduate students and junior scholars in Africa.

1 ISSN: 2576-8638

2 This is an open access journal, which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user and/or his or her institution. Users are allowed–without needing prior permission from the publisher or author–to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose.

3 In the event that AWPAL ceases to be published or becomes unavailable at this website, plans have already been made to ensure continued access. After a new volume is released, the Editor-in-Chief immediately creates a local backup, and another copy is submitted to the Internet Archive. Additionally, a record of all published articles is retained here, and PURLs have been created for each component of the published volumes here.