Vol. 1, No. 1 (2018)

Front Matter i-iv
The Reversive Derivation in Swahili 1-23
Deo Ngonyani, Michigan State University
Nancy Jumwa Ngowa, Pwani University
Verb Raising and Wh-Movement in Bukusu 24-37
Evelyn Kisembe, Moi University
A Case Study of Kimbu Intergenerational Transmission 38-53
Helena Gabriel, Institute of Judicial Administration (Lushoto)
Induction of Self-Efficacy through Swahili Vehicular Slogans 54-65
Ahmed Kipacha, Said Omary, and Asmaha Heddi, MS-TCDC
Autosegmental Analysis of Tone in Monosyllabic Infinitives in Meeto-Makhuwa 66-80
Joseph Hokororo Ismail, Institute of Judicial Administration (Lushoto)
The Role of Prosodic Units in the Study of Giha 81-90
Saul S. Bichwa, Dar es Salaam University
Book Review of Linguistic Morphology: A Student Guide (2014) 91-93
Troy E. Spier, Tulane University