Submission Guidelines

Formatting Guidelines (Template Available Here)

  • AWPAL only publishes original papers that have not been published anywhere else in soft or hard formats; in order to verify this, we reserve the right to use online plagiarism software and to reject any manuscript that displays too much overlap with another article by the author of the submitted manuscript or any other.
  • In the event that a published manuscript must be retracted for any reason, it will remain listed on the website; however, a notice will be placed on each page of the PDF manuscript to indicate when and for what reason the manuscript was retracted.
  • There are no charges for article processing or article submission, and all manuscripts are released under the CC BY-NC-ND license. However, authors ultimately retain the copyright and full publishing rights to their own work. To this end, authors are free to deposit their published article in institutional and/or non-institutional archives, including e.g. ResearchGate,, etc.
  • Papers that are data-oriented and descriptive or pedagogical in nature receive priority. Unfortunately, strictly interpretive papers about literature are not suitable for this journal.
  • Manuscripts should be submitted electronically as an email attachment in a single Microsoft Office or OpenOffice file with all tables, charts, graphics, trees, etc. included.
  • Unfortunately, manually created trees cannot be accepted, as they do not render correctly across multiple systems. Thus, digitally generated trees will expedite the review and publishing process, as they ensure consistent formatting. Recommendations include jsSyntaxTree, Syntax Tree Generator, or LingTree. If you have tried each of these tools and still could not create a suitable result, you may submit (cropped) image files of your trees.
  • Footnotes should be used in all instances. Please do not use endnotes.
  • Finally, only publications and sources that have been referenced parenthetically in the text should be listed on the bibliographic page. Additionally, parenthetical citations should adhere to the style sheet used by the Linguistic Society of America (LSA). Most importantly, all references must include the full names for authors, i.e. first names should not be abbreviated but, rather, must be spelled out.

General Guidelines

  • The first page should contain the title of the article and the full name of the author. It should also contain a brief biographical description of the author that does not exceed one-hundred (100) words. This must include the author’s affiliation, current position, and research interests.
  • The manuscript should follow and will typically not exceed six-thousand (6000) words, excluding references, though longer submissions will be considered on a case-by-case basis. An abstract should be included that does not exceed two-hundred and fifty (250) words. On the other hand, book reviews will typically not exceed two-thousand (2000) words and do not require an abstract.
  • An acknowledgment will be sent within forty-eight hours after submission to state that the manuscript has been received, and two readers will anonymously evaluate the article prior to a final decision concerning publishing. If you have not received confirmation within this time that the manuscript was received, please send a follow-up email.
  • Manuscripts that do not meet these requirements will be rejected without review. Otherwise, a manuscript will receive a final decision of Accepted, Accepted with Revisions, Revise and Resubmit, or Rejected.
  • Authors are responsible for acknowledging financial support that contributed to the completion of the manuscript, retractions or corrections of mistakes, conflicts of interest, etc. Additionally, authors are invited to participate in the peer review process at a later date for other submitted manuscripts.