Peer Review Process

  1. Author submits manuscript to AWPAL, and the editor submits confirmation receipt to the author to indicate that the manuscript was received.
  2. If the paper does not meet the basic requirements of a submitted manuscript, it will be returned to the author without consideration; otherwise, it will be placed in the queue to be reviewed.
  3. The editor will send the anonymized paper to two separate reviewers, who will determine whether the manuscript should be Accepted, Accepted with Revisions, Revised and Resubmitted, or Rejected. Their anonymized feedback will be sent to the original author, and the editor will attempt, where possible, to provide additional feedback.
  4. The author will make the appropriate, relevant modifications to the reviewed manuscript, and it will be resubmitted to the editor.
  5. The editor will undertake light editing to grammar, punctuation, and spelling where necessary before formatting the entire volume for publication.
  6. The editor will send final proofs to the authors, and this will be the last opportunity for authors to request any minor changes prior to publication.
  7. The volume will be published online.